Oceans Atlas: with CD-ROM | TheBookSeekers

Oceans Atlas: with CD-ROM

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No. of pages 96


Dive in and take an incredible voyage of discovery and exploration

Submerge yourself in fantastic see-through pages, discover how global warming has changed the surface of our world, how the moon affects the tides and find treasure buried in the salty depths.

Explore the stunning interactive CD-ROM and watch cities disappear as sea levels rise, marvel at the astonishing sea life as you descend to the deep, dark abyss, and follow the migration routes of whales, salmon, and turtles.

You won't want to come up for air!


There are 96 pages in this book. This is a reference book. This book was published 2007 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd .

The author, John Woodward, has been a wildlife enthusiast for many years, with a particular interest in the more bizarre life-forms that flourish in the world's oceans. He has written more than 30 books and many hundreds of articles on all aspects of wildlife, earth sciences and the natural world.

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