Vlad the Drac Returns | TheBookSeekers

Vlad the Drac Returns

volume 2, Vlad the Drac

No. of pages 124

Vlad the Drac, the diminutive vegetarian vampire is back in London, to attend the premiere of a new vampire film. Now that he is famous for his flights round Count Dracula's castle, Vlad has no intention of slumming it with his friends the Stones, so he plans to stay at the Ritz. As always with Vlad, nothing works out as planned and the Stone family are plunged into another series of anarchic, hilarious adventures.


This is volume 2 in Vlad the Drac .

There are 124 pages in this book. This book was published 2004 by Barn Owl Books, London .

Ann Jungman is a prolific children's author whose titles include the ever-popular Vlad the Drac and Leila's Magical Monster Party. Her first book for Frances Lincoln was Cinderella and the Hot Air Balloon, illustrated by Russell Ayto.

This book is in the following series:

Childrens Audio

Vlad the Drac

This book features the following character:

Vlad the Drac
This book features the character Vlad the Drac.

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